středa 4. ledna 2017

Magie slovíčka 'až'

V dnešní uspěchané době je velmi jednoduché nemít čas. Jsme tak zahlceni zábavou a možnostmi, které nám nabízí svět, že nezvládáme číst, vařit, přemýšlet, být potichu, modlit se,... Často se vymlouváme a nebo spíše omlouváme a říkáme: 'to udělám až...'.

Jenže... to až je zkrátka kritické. Na mateřské to vnímám velmi intenzivně. Rozhodování mezi deseti aktivitami, kdy čas je jen na dvě až tři, v závislosti na tom, jak se dají kombinovat. Budu se snažit nepoužívat až a začít používat spíše už. Ale kdo ví, jestli to dopadne. Minimálně obnovení tohoto blogu je jedno z mých už.

úterý 21. října 2014

Osvětimská knihovnice

'Možná se najdou lidé, kteří si pomyslí, že ve vyhlazovacím táboře, kde existují jiné, naléhavější starosti, jde o odvážný, ale nepotřebný čin. Knihy neléčí nemoci, ani se nemohou použít jako zbraně k porážce vojska katů, nelze jimi naplnit žaludek ani zahnat žízeň. Jistě, kultura není zapotřebí k tomu, aby člověk přežil. K tomu slouží chléb a voda. Je pravda, že s chlebem k jídlu a s vodou k pití člověk přežije, aby však přežilo lidství v člověku, to nestačí. Nedojímá-li nás krása, nezavřeme-li oči a neuvedeme-li do pohybu mechanismy představivosti, nejsme-li schopni klást si otázky a spatřit hranice naší nevědomosti, jsme buď mužem nebo ženou, nidky však člověkem. Není nic, co by nás odlišilo od lososa, zebry nebo tura pižmového.'

Osvětimská knihovnice *****
Antonio G.Iturbe
Přečteno za 7 dní

pátek 11. ledna 2013

Simple Secrets to a Happy Life

Simple Secrets to a Happy life by Luci Swindoll is a book full of stories together with simple but practical advices for everyday life. Maybe you already do and practise many of them, maybe you don't and maybe you forget from time to time. Book is divided into five chapters with each of them containing ten secrets. Each secret is on three pages. First part is called Beginning with the Basics and describes principles like being on time, learning to organize or reading the Bible every day. Second part is called Developing Your Style and is dealing with our circumstances – being happy with what we have, allowing ourselves to be sad, acknowledge your need for help. Achieving Balance is part three and some of the topics are to think before we speak, acquiring new skill, remembering to notice things. Part Four is called Living a Good Life and some of the secrets are cooking something special for yourself, looking for ways to held or discovering what maked people tick. Last one is called Staying Connected and some of the issues are inviting people to your home, sharing the Bread of life and living an attitude of gratitude.
Not every secret will be applicapble to you and you might not even discover anything new at all. But it was nice reading, refreshing. It could be helpful for someone who is looking to make life more organized I think. It can surely make a good gift!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

čtvrtek 15. listopadu 2012

God Loves Broken People

I ordered book God Loves Broken People (and those who pretend they are not) by Sheila Walsh because the title sound so interesting. I started to read do book and since I love books which have lot of stories inside I did like this one too. She uses stories and she also uses Scriptures to show that even people from Bible feared, were hurt and discouradged. The book offers encouradgement to recover and go on and shows how much God loves us. The book consists of thirtheen chapters and also offeres study part in the end of the book with more Bible verses and questions. It can be good help for those who are suffering or for those who want to help someone who is suffering so you can see or show how to find comfort in God's promises. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

pátek 6. dubna 2012

I Am Second. Real Life. Changing Stories.

I picked this book because I love real life stories. If you feel the same way, this book is just for you. You will find 20 life changing stories from people who were Christians or not but either way after what happened to them they accepted Christ as their Saviour and Father and recognized they are second. When I started reading the book I was bit dissapointed because first stories are about alcohol, drugs and other addictions which wasn't my cup of tea even though I believe these people found God who changed their lifes. But then there are those which can be much more like you, troubles with marriage, accidents and another real-life stories which can empower you. I think this could be a great material for youth. You can also find most of the stories in video format on the website I Am Second.

I would recommend this book, it's worth reading and you can use it also if you work with youth.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

úterý 24. ledna 2012

The Blessing

I have chosen to read The Blessing from John Trent, PH.D. And Gary Smalley after I finished reading of 'The Place Called Blessing' which I loved. The Blessing is book showing us how to practicly implement all the elements of blessing into our lives so our families can experience gift of blessing.

Book itself is divided into seventeen chapters gathered in four parts: Why is the blessing so important?, Understanding the blessing, When the blessing doesn't happen and Living the blessing challenge.

The story of Esau shows us how important the blessing is, it is so important that someone was willing to cheat and lie just to receive the blessing. Unfortunately, even in today's society there can be someone who desperately long for a blessing which is not coming. This book is very practical and shows how we can work on each element of blessing.

This will be certainly a book I will read once again when I have children because I think it is a must read for each parent.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

neděle 31. července 2011

A Place Called Blessing

When I ordered A Place Called Blessing I wasn't actually sure what I will get but have to tell you, I don't regret. It is such a great book! Dr. John Trent did really good job. The way how it's written, I just couldn't be separated from the book, it took me only few days to finish it.

Story is about boy named Josh and about his life. How he grew up between foster parents and children homes after his parents died and how hard it was to get on his own feet after he was eighteen. How hard it is to start trust someone if you are used to believe only in yourself because everyone else simly don't care. And the way how all the things turn out in the end. It's just great.

I can't say anything bad about this book because I simply loved it. So as from my side – highly recommended!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.